Charles Nagar Hatia, Ranchi

Attendance & Leave Absence Regulations

Students should attend school regularly.

Except on certified grounds no extension of Vacations will be allow.

Leave of absence is granted on a previous written application from Parents or guardians, but only for serious reasons.

85% attendance is required to qualify a student to appear for the final Examination or for promotion.

As far as possible appointments with the Doctor should not be made during School hours.

Applications for Leave must be presented to the Class teacher, through the principal.

In the case of prolonged illness a Medical Certificate from a Gazestted medical Officer must be produced.

Unexplained absence over a period of two weeks renders a student liable to have her name struck off the Rolls. If she is to be re-admitted it will be on payment of Re-Admission Fee. It is essential that all students attend school on the day the new academic session commences and on the last day before and also on the first day after the Summer and Winter Vacations. Failure on the part of students to attend classes on the above mentioned days will lead to the imposition of a fine of Rs. 100/ per day. No exemption will be made unless the prior written permission of the Principal has been obtained. It is also compulsory to attend school when school events such as Sports, Inter House competitions etc. are held.